There are a number of questions that have been asked and these pages provide an opportunity for interested people to discover that their question is important and deserves a comment. This format allows all questions to be in one place at one time, and also allows my comments to be made in the context of other important concerns.
I trust that you will take time to read the information provided and find relevant comments to all questions asked.
General Comments
Not every question has a black or white answer so I have provided comments that will indicate how I believe our association should function. It is important to note that I have identified the Source of the questions as well as my Category for each question so that cross-referencing is easy for similar topics. Please don't take my comments out of context.
Essentially – principles are timeless, while goals, plans, objectives, issues, methods and laws evolve over time with collectively gained knowledge and experience.
PEO needs to re-establish its principles and the rest will follow.
Sources of Questions
At this time I have considered four Sources of questions. You will note that there is overlap in the questions and subsequently overlap in responses.
1 - Direct - These concerns are consolidated from people who have talked with me directly; sent information through my various web sites; or contacted me through email and other social networks.
2 - Ottawa - The Ottawa Chapter asked a number of questions on behalf of their members.
3 - PEO Admin – I have labelled the Source of these questions as PEO Admin. This is because the questions came from the All Candidates Meeting Web Site where a number of insiders at PEO had access to the web site before it was public and determined more than 100 questions and posted them before any of the 70,000 plus members had an opportunity to participate.
I am glad that a few members did post their own questions – thank you.
It is also interesting to note that some of these unidentified insiders voted hundreds of times before anyone else even saw the web site.
In any case I will comment on these PEO Admin questions. Many of them are great questions – even though they were not questions from members.
4 - OSPE - OSPE sent a letter with five questions and requested responses.
I have identified three areas for the immediate focus of Council on behalf of the association. There are ten sub-areas requiring improvement and/or clarification. The three areas are: Membership, Role and Operations.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Roles and Operations.
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves and others
Had enough of same old – same old? I am not a recycled candidate and/or part of questionable PEO experiences such as a decade of conflict with OSPE and the headquarters building money pit. I plan to get PEO out of the rut!
My work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly engineering. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
Members are not happy with where PEO is, or where it has been. I present the only leadership opportunity for change and a better future for PEO.
It is time - for a change – for the better!
What is BEOB?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Other candidates list meetings, functions, Bar-B-Qs, committees and photo-opportunities they have attended . . . they talk about leadership.... Have they exercised leadership on your behalf? Do they deserve another opportunity to prolong the decade-old experiment called OSPE? Should council continue to pour your money into a building that you don't need or even want?
Let's Make PEO Better!
My name is Bob Loree .... and members like you ..... have encouraged me .... to become your next president.
I will devote myself full-time to making PEO better. I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities. You will have my complete attention.
Please don't throw your ballot package out!
Your choice is clear – choose change!
I will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
I will improve Membership of PEO
1. Membership will be meaningful for members
2. It will be straightforward to join
I will clarity the Role of PEO – ensure that we are all on the same page . . .
1. Why do we exist?
2. What do we stand for?
3. Where are we going?
4. How do we work with ourselves and others?
I will improve the Operations of PEO
1. We will evaluate and focus on Relevance
2. We will be responsible and accountable in Efficient operations
3. We will be Transparent in everything we do
4. We will improve Communications – be friendly, informative, responsive, current, concise, and effective.
More information now and over the next few weeks will be found at
We need to overhaul the entire membership process – including students, new Canadians, recent and not-so-recent graduates, and everyone calling themselves "engineers".
Let's be inclusive rather than exclusive.
Let's look at both the quality and quantity of all engineers. Let's be realistic and progressive when evaluating their credentials and contributions to Ontario.
Membership should be meaningful for members . . . with reasons to join and reasons to participate.
Membership should provide pride and satisfaction.
There should be common purposes and goals..... which are known and understood.... by all members ... as well as the public whose interests we protect.
Member benefits should be plentiful.
Chapters should have reasons to exist in all areas of the province... with mandates to act professionally within their own communities.
The association should be straightforward to join - for all engineers - with a continuum that is timely and professional. The process and expectations should be clear, simple and easy to understand.
If we want to attract new engineers --- then --- we must be attractive to new engineers.
With so many graduated engineers choosing not to join – there is a reality problem . . . new ideas are required. Past practices have not been successful – it's time for voters to choose change. Vote for Bob.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Role.
If our Role is clear to our members, to the public including the government – we will be respected, we will be included and we will be valued . . . . without depending on crisis intervention and without scheming to liaise and lobby for particular interests.
The association needs to revisit and re-establish its Purposes, Principles, Goals and Relationships . . .
Our purposes and principal objectives should be simplified and clarified ... Why do we exist? People should know this.
What do we stand for? What is in the code of ethics? What is misconduct? Our principles should be easy to understand.
Do you as a member feel comfortable with the concept of a Strategic Plan? What is the PEO plan for the future? What are our goals? How are going to achieve them? Who? When? How much? Let's make PEO better .... create and maintain a Strategic Plan known to all members. Vote for Bob.
PEO relationships are deplorable – with our members, future members, and with other organizations – like OSPE. It is time to act professionally, raise the expectations and standards ... time for evaluation, feedback and reflection on who we are and our place in society.
My work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly Engineering.
I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
PEO operations require full-time attention to achieve improvements – this includes an evaluation of management, staff, finances, programs and services.
These should all be relevant and with clarity of purpose and focus. Nothing should be redundant or inefficient.
We require all areas to be responsible and accountable – in keeping with a new strategic plan.
All of our operations must be transparent.
Great improvements are required in communications – which should be – friendly, informative, responsive, current, concise, and effective.
Let's make PEO better and improve its operations ... Vote for Bob.
Start with . . an organization devoted to standards, ideals, professionalism and duty to the public,
- take away .. the OPSE fighting
- add .. . . common sense and return to a single organization
- take away . the devotion to egos, large buildings, government posturing and politics
- take away . unreasonable barriers for members and future members
- add . . realistic expectations and processing,
- take away . unobtainable exclusivity and demands
- add . . . . inclusivity for members
- add . . .. interest in and value for current and new members
- add . . . clarification of Roles for the organization
- add . . . a meaningful strategic plan, financial responsibility and duty to public concerns
- add . . evaluation and streamlining of operations.
To sum it up . . . improve Membership, Roles, and Operations
Your choice is clear – continue with people who have been part of creating and prolonging confrontational atmospheres and situations – or – choose change . . .with Bob Loree who will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Let's make PEO better! Vote for Bob.
Questions and Bob's Comments
Questions and Bob's Comments
What are the issues?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Why should I vote for Bob Loree?
Bob will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Bob is not a recycled candidate and/or part of questionable PEO experiences such as a decade of conflict with OSPE and the headquarters building money pit.
Bob's work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly Engineering. He will continue to work for the profession full-time.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Roles and Operations.
Vote for Bob and get PEO out of the rut!
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time assisting PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is leadership?
Many elected people are first-timers in a particular role (leaders of parties, mayors, school trustees). If they are successful – it is because they are truly leaders . . . not individuals whose definition of leadership is primarily personal power and influence. They have vision, the ability to manage to achieve through and with others, with respect and humility.
Other candidates have been part of conflicts and confrontations in their current and previous PEO experience – and look where PEO is now. There is infighting on Council and the lack of transparency is characteristic.
There is a need for change – for leadership that exudes teamwork and common purpose. I have these skills.
I am willing to work at this full-time – something that others have not stated. Managing and leading a professional association requires much more than part-time attention.
Our members, society and the government deserve more than what has happened in the past.
What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
What improvements will you make for the Chapters?
Chapters are an important component of the association but they have been undervalued and discouraged for a host of reasons. Our members are important and I will breathe life and excitement into chapters.
Purposeful engagement is the operative phrase. Latitude, opportunities and encouragement.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Is PEO serving the interests of engineers?
I have identified three areas - Membership, Role and Operation that we must clarify and improve.
Before the association is effective in any endeavours it must have a self-evaluation process to re-establish basics – who, why, and how questions need to be clearly answered.
An example of what is happening: recently a PEO president and the PEO CEO were making a presentation to a government bill review committee and they were preceded by another council member who acquired a presentation time slot through still another council member who acquired the time slot from OSPE to oppose our president. The issue, although important, wasn't what the government saw – the review committee saw our PEO, a self-regulating association, in chaos and conflict.
PEO government liaison activities seem to be for pushing personal agendas.
It is time for PEO council to determine and accept common goals and a strategic plan that relate to our Role as an association.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Are there internal factions at PEO?
It certainly appears that Council in not a productive, working group. With more than 25 individuals around a table, with too many personal agendas and without confirmation of why they are there – the council gets mired in conflict and ineffective behaviour.
PEO council should not be like parliament with political parties fighting over platforms, agendas and maintaining power.
PEO council should be of one accord – to address the purposes of the association.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is the public opinion of PEO?
I feel there is indifference, lack of respect and for many who are graduated engineers, but not PEO members – disgust.
Governments must be amazed at the personal agendas and different opinions on parade.
Many smart young people who could be great engineers chose other career paths where there is more respect and other rewards.
PEO needs rebranding.
We should be focusing on three areas – Membership, Role and Operation.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What should PEO focus on?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is the value of a Strategic Plan?
For council – ownership, common purpose and accountability
For members – direction and value
For public – comfort and security
For government – standards, stability and support
For other associations – opportunities for collaboration
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is BEOB?
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Can you provide more details regarding "Membership; Role and Operations"?
Certainly –Many details are already on my web site accessed through
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Re: Incongruity between PEO’s fee practice and Federal and Provincial Governments policies:
Both the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada have created and are trying to create favourable conditions for small business.
According to various reports, the McGuinty Government’s strategy for a prosperous Ontario aims to assist business owners and operators to achieve their goals, create jobs, and make Ontario exceptionally competitive. Rob Moore Minister of State, Small Business and Tourism stated, “"Sm all and medium sized enterprises are the engine of the Canadian economy. Their success fuels economic growth and job creation.”
In support of small and medium businesses at the federal level, on October 18, 2011 the Honorable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women stated, “Small and medium businesses make up the fabric of our economy, and our Government is proud to support them, and committed to helping them succeed…”
On the contrary, the fee structures of PEO for those who want establish small independent engineering business and have to obtain a Certificate of Authorization (C of A) can be seen as follow:
Looking at the prevailing fees:
if I am practicing professional engineering offering my service through a firm my annual fee is: $220
if I decide to practice professional engineering offering my service directly to public my fee will be: $550
I realize that PEO has to allocate resources and will have to retrieve the costs of CofA related expenses for maintaining a database; therefore, some additional fee could be justified. For example, if I decided to provide engineering service to the public (which may be as small as designing a retaining wall or designing a beam) and was required to pay a PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (P.Eng. + CofA) of $330 (a factor of 150%), it may be acceptable. However, if I get a 250% increase in my annual fee, I strongly believe something has to be changed. The PEO fee should not be another form of tax requiring the members to pay more for providing additional professional service.
Referring to the Certificate of Authorization Review Task Group Final Report (February 11, 2002), there are two points from the Task Group’s conclusion that I would like to draw your attention to:
1) PEO should establish an equitable fee structure for the Certificate of Authorization based on number of professional engineers in the firm, area of practice, volume of work and other factors. The total fees should be calculated on a cost recovery basis for the C of A program.
2) The Task Group agreed that the Certificate of Authorization does not affect professional accountability as that resides with individual P. Eng. licencees.
My emphasis is however on the first point. Although, I don’t know as to what the cost recovery for the C of A program is, I very much doubt it is $330 per practitioner. My suggestion would be that any INDIVIDUAL who is paying the C of A fee should b e exempt from paying the P.Eng. fee since having the P.Eng. qualification is a pre-requisite to a C of A and the C of A fee is already higher than the P.Eng. fee.
My Question: if you are elected/re-elected to the executive of PEO, how would you respond to this concern? I and many other individuals having or trying to obtain CofA will definitely appreciate knowing your position on this matter.
Best Regards, SMH
When we look at the combination of Membership, Role and Operations of PEO there is a part of each of these in your question.
Yes – it is important to treat all members fairly. The new guidelines in BEOB that I will publish on Feb 15th will address the inclusive and fairness issue for all Members.
Yes – PEO should be talking with the Government with one voice – rather than several organizations and individuals who claim to be speaking for everyone – and are not. No wonder the Government is not respecting engineers by including them in the beginnings of new legislation! Also – my new guidelines BEOB will put forward steps so that the Role of our organization is clear to all and valued.
Yes – PEO Operations – especially the finances should be clear, transparent and effective. BEOB will put forward some targets for licence fees.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
One question I have for you, if elected what actions will you take to address PEO current conflict with OSPE? Basically, if you could elaborate on the wonderful questions you ask in the second video, Clarify the Role of PEO, posted on your web site.
Thanks, VV
As I have continuously indicated – the OSPE experiment did not work. Our members voted to terminate the agreement.
Very few P. Eng.s joined OSPE and thus they do not speak for professional engineers in Ontario;
OSPE has no grass roots with most members;
OSPE is in conflict with PEO over many territorial issues (NOTE that all of the other candidates have been involved with the governance of these two organizations over the past decade – and still want another term!);
OSPE contradicts PEO in Government relations and both organizations stumble over each other vying for Government attention running up marketing and legal fees.
BEOB will announce some new directions and OSPE will not exist as a separate entity – the conflict will end.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Today I received the traditional annual envelope from PEO with voting contents.
Unfortunately not all of you thought of including an e-mail address in the election folder, so it took me extra time to get those from the Internet. I hereby admit that it is highly unusual for me to spent time for going through that effort, but as a 15 year member I feel obliged to write at least one letter to the council.
Reading carefully through the material it appears that all candidates have more or less the same platform: more accountability for PEO council and certainly more fiscal responsibility. (NOTE: BEOB– a sweeping new guideline will be announced on Feb 15th by Bob Loree --- and this is not the same as anyone else's platform)
It is somewhat discouraging to read that the previous councils were made up of dimwits allowed to run amok with our money , but it is encouraging that we have now a slate of candidates who are ready the clean the Augean Stables and well within one year of their tenure.
If that doesn't happen, we, the members will be treated by another group of candidates next year, who will without doubt blame you for the lack of action.
Anyway, this is democracy at its best and we will bear it with a grin. (NOTE: BEOB will address these concerns and make your Council totally accountable)
What is, however, quite discerning is that only one candidate noted the PEO is in danger of becoming irrelevant. (NOTE – watch for BEOB !)
One can ignore that statement but the abysmal voter turn out proves that the man has a point.
If it is of any consolation, other provincial societies are not faring any better. You see, many of us work in more than one province and even outside the country.
Within Canada we go through the motion of getting registered by the professional associations, pay outrageous fees, get a nice certificate (sometimes with a misspelled name) and a stamp.
Along with that, we are duly informed about the ever growing bureaucracy, new buildings, disciplinary action on folks who say that they are engineers but are not, acceptability of technologists who want to stamp something but don't want to the trouble of getting a degree, striking of members for non-payment, the need for raising fees, and even some unsolicited advice on global warming.
When working overseas, we have to go at great length to explain why a P. Eng. in one province cannot stamp a drawing in another. While Europe is trying to get across (country) border recognition of professional status, the associations here are doing the opposite (one doesn't dare to use their P. Eng. designation in another Province!)
Is there NOBODY who recognizes that this model goes against an engineer's grain of seeking efficiency? That we are not served by all these resume filling associations but rather have one agency to deal with? Why is it not possible to have one single Canadian Professional Engineering Association and leave to the Provinces providing the "right to practice" stamp (similar as Alberta) after satisfying that the person is aware of the code differences?
The response that this is all for public safety is becoming tiresome. In fact, that explanation is plainly ridiculous because it implies that the professional standard of one province would be less than another, or that an engineer's conduct cannot be trusted once he crosses the border.
Presently, I hold 4 professional memberships, but I am about to change that. So, now why should I continue support an organization that is becoming irrelevant? (NOTE: BEOB will address these concerns – by taking a responsible leadership role in Canada)
Sincerely yours, TvB
Thank you for your message, comments and questions.
As with all other questions I receive – I will post them and my responses on my web site(s) as soon as possible. I plan to have a response for yours sometime this week. Many others, I am sure, have the same concerns as you – so when I post your questions and my responses they will be there for everyone. There are about 60 questions and responses there now – many with a video.
Regarding the email address and contact information – all of my web sites have clicking links to send a message directly to me so a separate email listing is redundant – and also the web site(s) provide opportunities to learn more about me and my ideas, and hopefully, find the information you are seeking.
Also – my guide to a better organization will be posted on Feb 15 --- watch forBEOB.
If you are an engineer who really want to make PEO better please click on my survey found at
Why are you running at this time?
PEO is in a rut and a fresh start is needed.
Members are not happy with where PEO is or where it has been. I present the only leadership opportunity for change and a better future for PEO.
Also See #2. Why should I vote for Bob Loree?
Bob will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Bob is not a recycled candidate and/or part of questionable PEO experiences such as a decade of conflict with OSPE and the headquarters building money pit.
Bob's work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly Engineering. He will continue to work for the profession full-time.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Roles and Operations.
Vote for Bob and get PEO out of the rut!
What do you see as the three biggest issues facing our profession at this time?
See #1. What are the issues?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What do you plan to do about each one?
See #13. Can you provide more details regarding "Membership; Role and Operations"?
Certainly –Many details are already on my web site accessed through
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
If for some unfortunate, unforeseen circumstance you had to withdraw from running, which of the other candidates for your position would you vote for...?
All of them have baggage from previous years and PEO needs change – so Let's Make PEO Better!
...and why?
Members are not happy with where PEO is, or where it has been. I present the only leadership opportunity for change and a better future for PEO.
In the past year, what volunteer work have you done for PEO?
See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
How much time did this take?
See #5. What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
Also See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
Do you work full time, and if so, where?
See #5. What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
How much time do you predict you will have to devote to PEO activities in the upcoming year(s)?
See #5. What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
What experience do you have in the past, with consensus-building in a volunteer-run organization?
See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
What is the largest budget that you have managed to date?
See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
What changes if any, do you feel need to be made to PEO's finances?
See #1. C – 2. Responsible and accountable – in all areas.
and C -3. Transparency – in everything we do
What are the issues?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What changes would you like to see made, if any, to our current fee structure?
See #12. What is BEOB?
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What changes, if any, should be made to the current renovation/new building plans?
See #12. What is BEOB?
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
(This question may be a bit sensitive given current circumstances, but please don't take offence: people legitimately want to know your position.) Every so often, sub-groups of Engineers feel strongly enough about certain topics that they either initiate legal action, or threaten to do so. For what differences of opinion (eg which topics) do you feel that legal action against PEO is acceptable/a good idea/necessary?
Currently PEO is like a bully in the playground and is not a good listener or problem solver. A clear vision, a common sense of purpose and commitment to excellence will prevent, avoid or reduce the compulsion of marginalized or mistreated individuals/groups to seek a legal action.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What would you do while in office, to address the concerns of the Ottawa Chapter?
See #6. What improvements will you make for the Chapters?
Chapters are an important component of the association but they have been undervalued and discouraged for a host of reasons. Our members are important and I will breathe life and excitement into chapter activities.
Purposeful engagement is the operative phrase. Latitude, opportunities and encouragement.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What should have been asked, but wasn't in this list?
Do you have an overall guideline for the future of PEO?
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
How would you have answered the question that should have been asked?
Do you have an overall guideline for the future of PEO?
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What do you see as the most important issue facing PEO today? What would you do to address this issue?
There are three interdependent issues facing PEO. They are Membership, Role and Operations. Re-establishing who we are and where we are going will reduce internal conflict, attract and engage members, improve public image as well as our efficiency as an organization. Council needs leadership in team building and common purpose. We need some out-of-the-box, innovative thinking to re-brand our association.
More details supporting this vision are on my web site.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Council is conducting a binding referendum of members regarding who elects PEO’s president: PEO licence holders by directly voting for a president-elect, or members of PEO Council from among elected councillors. Please explain your preference.
Members should elect their president. This allows every member to be engaged and responsible for his/her association. It also encourages the president to be accountable to all members across the province.
Our system needs responsible, effective and innovative change.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Now that PEO licence holders have voted to terminate the Agreement between the association and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, how do you see the relationship between these organizations going forward?
It is obvious that the OSPE experiment has not worked. It is painfully clear that members do not want to be a part of OSPE. Looking at all of the activities our members do it is also obvious they want to volunteer in their communities, help others and make a difference as a professional. The relationship between PEO and OSPE has been confrontational, negative to the profession and our members are fed up. The relationship is over.
It is time to rebrand PEO and allow our members to be encouraged in professional activities, participate freely and feel good about a single association they all belong to.
We need to regroup, to act and speak with one voice.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What do you see as the biggest threat to PEO as a self-governing body?
Apathy. Engineers are smart people and they are also trusting people. Current members feel powerless to make a difference and the majority do not vote. They trust that the organization is in good hands. Council has been fighting internally and this has spilled over to other organizations and even government relations. Our members and potential members should feel proud of their organization and their part in it.
A recycling of council members in key positions encourages members to accept their fate. Please vote for change. Help make PEO better!
I will address apathy with my three point attack on the issues of Membership of PEO, the Role of PEO and the Operations of PEO. Let's get out of the rut!
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Trust and ethics in Council activities has caused division and malfunction in working of Council. How will you improve this situation?
I believe that the root cause should be addressed. Council has been a collection of more than 25 individuals who are elected intermittently, by all members, by regional members, and a large number who are appointed at intervals. It is like a revolving door policy that ensures malfunction – working, trusting relationships are just not possible – so it tends to be everyone for him/herself. There are even some council members who recycle themselves at periodic times.
Members are confused – who really represents them? What happened to the person elected last year? Councillors rarely – if ever – communicate with the members during their terms. The process is extremely weak, dictates failure in relationships and evades responsibility.
A change in the election and composition of council is required.
Accountability and responsibility go together.
There are three interdependent issues facing PEO. They are Membership, Role and Operations. Re-establishing who we are and where we are going will reduce internal conflict, attract and engage members, improve public image as well as our efficiency as an organization. Council needs leadership in team building and common purpose. We need some out-of-the-box, innovative thinking to re-brand our association.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Do you see any important function or activity that PEO is not currently doing that it should undertake?
Yes – PEO should be doing a self-evaluation that will make it more effective and efficient that leads to a renewal of three essential areas – the Membership of PEO, the Role of PEO and an overhaul of its Operations.
There are few checks and balances that are known to members. There is lack of transparency and a great reluctance to change.
There is no movement without a Task Force, a committee, and endless meetings. A basic rebranding of the organization would provide common ground to build a future.
Yes – PEO needs to take a good look at itself.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Gender equality is a very important issue for today's business environment and evidence shows that many women engineers are either underemployed or unemployed. In the case of engineers over the age of 40+ the situation of unemployment gets worse as recognized by many authorities. How do you plan to address this issue for "current" women engineers? Thank you.
I have initiated a number of recognized activities to improve the lot of female engineers. Joining PEO is not attractive to many women – and furthermore choosing engineering as a career is even less attractive. Many smart, capable women can choose whatever career they wish... if presented with the option of being a doctor, lawyer, science professional – or an engineer.... Why would a female choose engineering? What in your workplace, your environment, your job opportunities encourage women to join?
We should stop driving women into engineering – but rather – provide equal opportunities for success, for advancement, for an encouraging, supportive workplace, environment and benefits. It is not a short process. If the career prospects are better than other choice careers – more women will choose engineering for the right reasons – it will be good for them and their lives.
A reassessment of three areas will provide a base for future gender equality.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
With the recent PEO/OSPE debate, I have observed that PEO seems to have taken on a number of initiatives that do not fall strictly within PEO's role of regulation. How do you plan to bring renewed focus to PEO's regulatory function? How is regulatory effectiveness measured by PEO?
The experiment and debate are over. Most engineers chose to not join OSPE for 10 years. Most engineers voted to terminate a relationship with OSPE.
Bill 15 is a small group's attempt to gain power and influence through a private member's bill.
We need to stop this take-over bill and get on with all aspects of engineering in Ontario. We need to re-establish our principles and purpose and assume responsibility for all components of engineering in Ontario – including the regulatory function.
A detailed reassessment of three main areas will be an excellent start to this process: Membership, Role and Operations
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is the role and contribution of PEO chapters toward the achievement of PEO’s mandate?
Chapters are an important component of the association but they have been undervalued and discouraged for a host of reasons. Our members are important and I will breathe life and excitement into chapter activities.
Purposeful engagement is the operative phrase. Latitude, opportunities and encouragement.
There is much to be accomplished through our members.
A detailed reassessment of three main areas will be an excellent start to this process: Membership, Role and Operations
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
How will repealing the industrial exception impact the profession? How should PEO oversee this change?
This is an opportunity for PEO to work cooperatively with the government, industry and its members. Transition and change are always difficult for many and require assistance, support and time to effectively implement new concepts and methods. A collaborative effort is required – it's a chance to work together.
In the recent "Have your say" General Meeting amongst Professional Engineers, it was reported that many engineering students graduate with skills that aren't portable to today's business environments. What's your direction in bridging the gap between engineering curriculum and the skills required by today's competitive businesses? Thank you.
Most universities are at the academic end of the education scale. That's reality. Engineering faculties are probably less 'academic' and more 'practical' than some other faculties. However – engineering is still largely academic. Engineering curriculum is one of the heaviest at any university --- an assessment of the total package is required – simply adding more is not the answer.
Medicine and teaching incorporate more and more practical, portable skills into their programs.
We need to identify the skills required. We should greatly increase our relationships with engineering schools including our presence on campus – with students as well as faculty.
Some components could go, some could be added, but many could be modified to incorporate the skills into existing programs.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
In your opinion, which tasks should be responsibility of PEO and which tasks should be responsibility of OSPE? Do you see an area of overlap area? If yes, what is that area?
OSPE should not exist on its own.
All of the functions and roles it has assumed, or tried to assume, should be part of a rebranded PEO organization.
OSPE has very few Professional Engineer members (compared to PEO) and cannot possibly be the voice of engineers in Ontario.
We must end the copying, the competition, and the confrontation. . . and work for established purposes . . . in one organization.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What concerns, if any, do you have that the regulation of the profession and the protection of the public may be affected by the proposed Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act?
The experiment and debate are over. Most engineers chose to not join OSPE for 10 years. Most engineers voted to terminate a relationship with OSPE.
Bill 15 is a small group's attempt to gain power and influence through a private member's bill.
We need to stop this take-over bill and get on with all aspects of engineering in Ontario. We need to re-establish our principles and purpose and assume responsibility for all components of engineering in Ontario – including the regulatory function.
A detailed reassessment of three main areas will be an excellent start to this process: Membership, Role and Operations
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is your vision for PEO over the next five years?
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
The three main concerns will be addressed – Membership of PEO; the Role of PEO and the Operations of PEO.
How effective are PEO’s complaints and discipline processes in protecting the public interest?
Judging from what the public sees through Dimensions – it is tedious, over-reported, extremely time consuming and not effective in a broader picture. This will change.
In your opinion, should PEO track the amount of unemployed Professional Engineers and assess the reasons for unemployment toward bridging the gap between the demand for engineers versus those who are looking for work?
Some groups are not listening. When PEO reassesses itself it will be a far better position to make comments, suggestions, give advice and be taken seriously. With so much internal and external discord who is valuing our opinion and input anyway? This will change with a review of our Role and Operations.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
In your opinion will PEO take additional steps in regulating Telecommuting based engineering positions within businesses? If so, what direction is being taken? Thank you.
Working from global locations around the clock is a reality. If the Role of PEO is clearly defined – as I will do – there will be no issues.
Now a days it is very hard to end up with the right position from a specific engineering discipline. We should have a correct mechanism that will lead the engineering graduates to pursue their right career.
There are many factors – and it is very exciting to think about. Imagine all of the engineers who used a slide rule early in their careers and if they still use them. Change, innovation, advancement, new ideas, new directions are all components of engineering. Learn basics of communications, mathematics, science, applications and problem solving – then mix that with dreams, motivation and hard work. There is no 'correct' mechanism – and never should be.
In your opinion will PEO be adopting the ISO26000 standard. Thank you.
In many ways we are ahead of the norm. An evaluation of our Role and Operations will ensure we are compliant and even leaders in Social Responsibility.
Quoting and paraphrasing Wikipedia – "In ISO 26000, social responsibility is described as a multi-faceted approach that, like quality, should be integrated into all aspects of how a company conducts its business:
According to ISO 26000, social responsibility is not merely a “neutralizing” action applied at the end of production/distribution to fix what has been generated or displaced. Rather, it is a proactive mind-set that should be incorporated across all levels of planning, execution, and stakeholder interaction. . . . The standards make it clear, however, that “a situation’s complexity should not be used as an excuse for inaction,” and that companies should proceed in good faith, applying the seven principles of socially responsible behaviour as outlined in the standard: accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, respect for stakeholder interests, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of behaviour, and respect for human rights.
An organization is answerable to those affected by its decisions and activities, as well as to society in general, for the overall impact on society and its decisions and activities.
An organization should disclose, in a clear, accurate manner and to a reasonable and sufficient degree, the policies, decisions, and activities for which it is responsible, including known and likely impacts.
Ethical behaviour
An organization’s behaviour should be based on the ethics of honesty, equity, and integrity.
Respect for Stakeholder Interests
In addition to owners, members, and customers or constituents, other individuals or groups may also have rights, claims, or specific interests that should be taken into account.
Respect for the Rule of Law
An organization is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It informs those within the organization of their obligation to observe and to implement measures.
Respect for International Norms of Behaviour
An organization respects international norms of behaviour while adhering to the principle of respect for the rule of law. An organization should not stay silent in response to or benefit from wrongful acts.
Respect for Human Rights
An organization respects and fosters rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. This includes situations where human rights are not protected."
What, if any, value do you see in PEO efforts to increase the rate of licensure of engineering graduates (Canadian or internationally trained)?
There is value in recognizing all engineers, as well as those who jump through our current hoops. It is time to take a different approach – one that is inclusive rather than exclusive. Membership is a top priority for me.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Recently in the OSPE referendum, we had executive members of PEO vocally going against the wishes of PEO council and the decisions that council made. I would like to know how the various candidates stand with respect to having officers of the organization publically going against the decisions of council, when these officers are the ones who are to be implementing the decisions.
There are many reasons for this behaviour.
Too much haste in making a decision, or not enough information available.
Lack of direct relationship between responsibility and accountability.
Councillors have occupations and do not have time to listen to others.
Egos are too big for the space.
Lack of respect for consensus or even majority votes.
If a decision made is not what a councillor personally wanted there are options including:
- have a recorded vote, move on, wait until next election, voice strong opposition, find a compromise.
The behaviour of taking the issue to the public or government is unacceptable and diminishes the profession.
Execution of a mechanical engineering project does not require permit issue by government office as in building and construction industry - drawings signed and stamped by licensed P. Eng. It is a loose end in the field of mechanical engineering where projects are executed by companies without Certificate of Authorization and without P.Eng supervision due to lack of knowledge of Professional Engineers act and PEO's regulatory functions.
As a result many licensed professional engineers are unemployed and their license undervalued.
What action would be the most appropriate to address this issue and create an informative and educational campaign to the public and industry for rules and regulations in engineering practice?
It is time to review the Role of PEO and the Act.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Should EITs be allowed to vote in Council elections and referendums?
It is time to review the Membership of PEO, the Role of PEO and the Operations of PEO.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
How will you manage the simultaneous time demands of your day-job and your role on Council?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
What special skills or ideas do you bring to enhance the governance of PEO?
See #2, #3, #4
As a consequence of the PEO referendum of November 1-December 2, 2011 to terminate the 2000 PEO OSPE agreement, both organizations enter a new period of serving the engineering profession. OSPE's membership overwhelming recommends that OSPE and PEO work cooperatively on behalf of the profession and for OSPE to continue its role as primary advocate and service provider. What suggestions do you have to help OSPE and PEO work cooperatively on behalf of the profession and to clarify each of our roles?
It is obvious that the OSPE experiment has not worked. It is painfully clear that members do not want to be a part of OSPE. Looking at all of the activities our members do it is also obvious they want to volunteer in their communities, help others and make a difference as a professional. The relationship between PEO and OSPE has been confrontational, negative to the profession and our members are fed up. The relationship is over.
It is time to rebrand PEO and allow our members to be encouraged in professional activities, participate freely and feel good about a single association they all belong to.
We need to regroup, to act and speak with one voice.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Parts of Bill 68, the Open for Business Act, 2010, which stands to change the Professional Engineers Act to effectively eliminate the industrial exception, have still not been proclaimed. What would you see PEO doing to have Bill 68 proclaimed quickly?
This is an opportunity for PEO to work cooperatively with the government, industry and its members. Transition and change are always difficult for many and require assistance, support and time to effectively implement new concepts and methods. A collaborative effort is required – it's a chance to work together.
Changes to the Professional Engineers Act via Bill 68 will also increase Council’s authority over fee increases, by-law changes and other governance matters, eliminating member ratification of such changes at an AGM. How would you present such changes to PEO licensees in order to mitigate potential objections? What steps could PEO take to build cohesiveness among licensees and confidence in PEO as the regulator of the engineering profession?
One of my main concerns is the Role of PEO. Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Role.
If our Role is clear to our members, to the public including the government – we will be respected, we will be included and we will be valued . . . . without depending on crisis intervention and without scheming to liaise and lobby for particular interests.
The association needs to revisit and re-establish its Purposes, Principles, Goals and Relationships . . .
Our purposes and principal objectives should be simplified and clarified ... Why do we exist? People should know this.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Currently, the Lieutenant Governor (LG) may appoint up to twelve PEO Council Members, as stipulated in the Professional Engineers Act. This situation results in potential for undue influence by the LG appointees (if they vote in a block) and runs counter to the tenet of a self-regulated profession and the democratic principles on which the elected council members are chosen by the membership at large. OSPE suggests the process be reviewed so that only representatives from the public be appointed and to lower the maximum number of LG appointees on the Council. Please provide your perspective on public appointments to PEO council and whether you agree with OSPE’s proposed changes.
BEOBwill be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Please provide any additional comments you have regarding your vision for the future of PEO and the changes you hope to effect as an elected member of PEO Council.
Please don't throw out your ballot package!
Vote for Change! Make PEO Better!
Let's do the math –
Start with . . an organization devoted to standards, ideals, professionalism and duty to the public,
- take away .. the OPSE fighting
- add .. . . common sense and return to a single organization
- take away . the devotion to egos, large buildings, government posturing and politics
- take away . unreasonable barriers for members and future members
- add . . realistic expectations and processing,
- take away . unobtainable exclusivity and demands
- add . . . . inclusivity for members
- add . . .. interest in and value for current and new members
- add . . . clarification of Roles for the organization
- add . . . a meaningful strategic plan, financial responsibility and duty to public concerns
- add . . evaluation and streamlining of operations.
To sum it up . . . improve Membership, Roles, and Operations
Your choice is clear – continue with people who have been part of creating and prolonging confrontational atmospheres and situations – or – choose change . . .with Bob Loree who will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Questions and Bob's Comments
There are a number of questions that have been asked and these pages provide an opportunity for interested people to discover that their question is important and deserves a comment. This format allows all questions to be in one place at one time, and also allows my comments to be made in the context of other important concerns.
I trust that you will take time to read the information provided and find relevant comments to all questions asked.
General Comments
Not every question has a black or white answer so I have provided comments that will indicate how I believe our association should function. It is important to note that I have identified the Source of the questions as well as my Category for each question so that cross-referencing is easy for similar topics. Please don't take my comments out of context.
Essentially – principles are timeless, while goals, plans, objectives, issues, methods and laws evolve over time with collectively gained knowledge and experience.
PEO needs to re-establish its principles and the rest will follow.
Sources of Questions
At this time I have considered four Sources of questions. You will note that there is overlap in the questions and subsequently overlap in responses.
1 - Direct - These concerns are consolidated from people who have talked with me directly; sent information through my various web sites; or contacted me through email and other social networks.
2 - Ottawa - The Ottawa Chapter asked a number of questions on behalf of their members.
3 - PEO Admin – I have labelled the Source of these questions as PEO Admin. This is because the questions came from the All Candidates Meeting Web Site where a number of insiders at PEO had access to the web site before it was public and determined more than 100 questions and posted them before any of the 70,000 plus members had an opportunity to participate.
I am glad that a few members did post their own questions – thank you.
It is also interesting to note that some of these unidentified insiders voted hundreds of times before anyone else even saw the web site.
In any case I will comment on these PEO Admin questions. Many of them are great questions – even though they were not questions from members.
4 - OSPE - OSPE sent a letter with five questions and requested responses.
I have identified three areas for the immediate focus of Council on behalf of the association. There are ten sub-areas requiring improvement and/or clarification. The three areas are: Membership, Role and Operations.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Roles and Operations.
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves and others
C – Improve Operations of PEO
1. Relevance – evaluate and focus
2. Efficiency – responsible and accountable
3. Transparency – in everything we do
4. Communications – friendly, informative, responsive, current, concise, effective
Help Make PEO Better!
Our association is not well!
Had enough of same old – same old? I am not a recycled candidate and/or part of questionable PEO experiences such as a decade of conflict with OSPE and the headquarters building money pit. I plan to get PEO out of the rut!
My work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly engineering. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
Members are not happy with where PEO is, or where it has been. I present the only leadership opportunity for change and a better future for PEO.
It is time - for a change – for the better!
What is BEOB?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Other candidates list meetings, functions, Bar-B-Qs, committees and photo-opportunities they have attended . . . they talk about leadership.... Have they exercised leadership on your behalf? Do they deserve another opportunity to prolong the decade-old experiment called OSPE? Should council continue to pour your money into a building that you don't need or even want?
Let's Make PEO Better!
My name is Bob Loree .... and members like you ..... have encouraged me .... to become your next president.
I will devote myself full-time to making PEO better. I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities. You will have my complete attention.
Please don't throw your ballot package out!
Your choice is clear – choose change!
I will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
I will improve Membership of PEO
1. Membership will be meaningful for members
2. It will be straightforward to join
I will clarity the Role of PEO – ensure that we are all on the same page . . .
1. Why do we exist?
2. What do we stand for?
3. Where are we going?
4. How do we work with ourselves and others?
I will improve the Operations of PEO
1. We will evaluate and focus on Relevance
2. We will be responsible and accountable in Efficient operations
3. We will be Transparent in everything we do
4. We will improve Communications – be friendly, informative, responsive, current, concise, and effective.
More information now and over the next few weeks will be found at
Let's Make PEO Better! Together!
We need to overhaul the entire membership process – including students, new Canadians, recent and not-so-recent graduates, and everyone calling themselves "engineers".
Let's be inclusive rather than exclusive.
Let's look at both the quality and quantity of all engineers. Let's be realistic and progressive when evaluating their credentials and contributions to Ontario.
Membership should be meaningful for members . . . with reasons to join and reasons to participate.
Membership should provide pride and satisfaction.
There should be common purposes and goals..... which are known and understood.... by all members ... as well as the public whose interests we protect.
Member benefits should be plentiful.
Chapters should have reasons to exist in all areas of the province... with mandates to act professionally within their own communities.
The association should be straightforward to join - for all engineers - with a continuum that is timely and professional. The process and expectations should be clear, simple and easy to understand.
If we want to attract new engineers --- then --- we must be attractive to new engineers.
With so many graduated engineers choosing not to join – there is a reality problem . . . new ideas are required. Past practices have not been successful – it's time for voters to choose change. Vote for Bob.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Role.
If our Role is clear to our members, to the public including the government – we will be respected, we will be included and we will be valued . . . . without depending on crisis intervention and without scheming to liaise and lobby for particular interests.
The association needs to revisit and re-establish its Purposes, Principles, Goals and Relationships . . .
Our purposes and principal objectives should be simplified and clarified ... Why do we exist? People should know this.
What do we stand for? What is in the code of ethics? What is misconduct? Our principles should be easy to understand.
Do you as a member feel comfortable with the concept of a Strategic Plan? What is the PEO plan for the future? What are our goals? How are going to achieve them? Who? When? How much? Let's make PEO better .... create and maintain a Strategic Plan known to all members. Vote for Bob.
PEO relationships are deplorable – with our members, future members, and with other organizations – like OSPE. It is time to act professionally, raise the expectations and standards ... time for evaluation, feedback and reflection on who we are and our place in society.
Let's get out of the rut! Vote for Bob.
My work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly Engineering.
I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
PEO operations require full-time attention to achieve improvements – this includes an evaluation of management, staff, finances, programs and services.
These should all be relevant and with clarity of purpose and focus. Nothing should be redundant or inefficient.
We require all areas to be responsible and accountable – in keeping with a new strategic plan.
All of our operations must be transparent.
Great improvements are required in communications – which should be – friendly, informative, responsive, current, concise, and effective.
Let's make PEO better and improve its operations ... Vote for Bob.
Please don't throw out your ballot package!
Vote for Change! Make PEO Better!
Let's do the math –
Start with . . an organization devoted to standards, ideals, professionalism and duty to the public,
- take away .. the OPSE fighting
- add .. . . common sense and return to a single organization
- take away . the devotion to egos, large buildings, government posturing and politics
- take away . unreasonable barriers for members and future members
- add . . realistic expectations and processing,
- take away . unobtainable exclusivity and demands
- add . . . . inclusivity for members
- add . . .. interest in and value for current and new members
- add . . . clarification of Roles for the organization
- add . . . a meaningful strategic plan, financial responsibility and duty to public concerns
- add . . evaluation and streamlining of operations.
To sum it up . . . improve Membership, Roles, and Operations
Your choice is clear – continue with people who have been part of creating and prolonging confrontational atmospheres and situations – or – choose change . . .with Bob Loree who will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Let's make PEO better! Vote for Bob.
Questions and Bob's Comments
Questions and Bob's Comments
What are the issues?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
C – Improve Operations of PEO
1. Relevance – evaluate and focus
2. Efficiency – responsible and accountable
3. Transparency – in everything we do
4. Communications – friendly, informative, responsive,
current, concise, effective
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Why should I vote for Bob Loree?
Bob will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Bob is not a recycled candidate and/or part of questionable PEO experiences such as a decade of conflict with OSPE and the headquarters building money pit.
Bob's work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly Engineering. He will continue to work for the profession full-time.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Roles and Operations.
Vote for Bob and get PEO out of the rut!
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time assisting PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is leadership?
Many elected people are first-timers in a particular role (leaders of parties, mayors, school trustees). If they are successful – it is because they are truly leaders . . . not individuals whose definition of leadership is primarily personal power and influence. They have vision, the ability to manage to achieve through and with others, with respect and humility.
Other candidates have been part of conflicts and confrontations in their current and previous PEO experience – and look where PEO is now. There is infighting on Council and the lack of transparency is characteristic.
There is a need for change – for leadership that exudes teamwork and common purpose. I have these skills.
I am willing to work at this full-time – something that others have not stated. Managing and leading a professional association requires much more than part-time attention.
Our members, society and the government deserve more than what has happened in the past.
What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
What improvements will you make for the Chapters?
Chapters are an important component of the association but they have been undervalued and discouraged for a host of reasons. Our members are important and I will breathe life and excitement into chapters.
Purposeful engagement is the operative phrase. Latitude, opportunities and encouragement.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Is PEO serving the interests of engineers?
I have identified three areas - Membership, Role and Operation that we must clarify and improve.
Before the association is effective in any endeavours it must have a self-evaluation process to re-establish basics – who, why, and how questions need to be clearly answered.
An example of what is happening: recently a PEO president and the PEO CEO were making a presentation to a government bill review committee and they were preceded by another council member who acquired a presentation time slot through still another council member who acquired the time slot from OSPE to oppose our president. The issue, although important, wasn't what the government saw – the review committee saw our PEO, a self-regulating association, in chaos and conflict.
PEO government liaison activities seem to be for pushing personal agendas.
It is time for PEO council to determine and accept common goals and a strategic plan that relate to our Role as an association.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Are there internal factions at PEO?
It certainly appears that Council in not a productive, working group. With more than 25 individuals around a table, with too many personal agendas and without confirmation of why they are there – the council gets mired in conflict and ineffective behaviour.
PEO council should not be like parliament with political parties fighting over platforms, agendas and maintaining power.
PEO council should be of one accord – to address the purposes of the association.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is the public opinion of PEO?
I feel there is indifference, lack of respect and for many who are graduated engineers, but not PEO members – disgust.
Governments must be amazed at the personal agendas and different opinions on parade.
Many smart young people who could be great engineers chose other career paths where there is more respect and other rewards.
PEO needs rebranding.
We should be focusing on three areas – Membership, Role and Operation.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What should PEO focus on?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
C – Improve Operations of PEO
1. Relevance – evaluate and focus
2. Efficiency – responsible and accountable
3. Transparency – in everything we do
4. Communications – friendly, informative, responsive,
current, concise, effective
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is the value of a Strategic Plan?
For council – ownership, common purpose and accountability
For members – direction and value
For public – comfort and security
For government – standards, stability and support
For other associations – opportunities for collaboration
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is BEOB?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Can you provide more details regarding "Membership; Role and Operations"?
Certainly – Many details are already on my web site accessed through
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Re: Incongruity between PEO’s fee practice and Federal and Provincial Governments policies:
Both the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada have created and are trying to create favourable conditions for small business.
According to various reports, the McGuinty Government’s strategy for a prosperous Ontario aims to assist business owners and operators to achieve their goals, create jobs, and make Ontario exceptionally competitive. Rob Moore Minister of State, Small Business and Tourism stated, “"Sm all and medium sized enterprises are the engine of the Canadian economy. Their success fuels economic growth and job creation.”
In support of small and medium businesses at the federal level, on October 18, 2011 the Honorable Rona Ambrose, Minister of Public Works and Government Services and Minister for Status of Women stated, “Small and medium businesses make up the fabric of our economy, and our Government is proud to support them, and committed to helping them succeed…”
On the contrary, the fee structures of PEO for those who want establish small independent engineering business and have to obtain a Certificate of Authorization (C of A) can be seen as follow:
Looking at the prevailing fees:
if I am practicing professional engineering offering my service through a firm my annual fee is: $220
if I decide to practice professional engineering offering my service directly to public my fee will be: $550
I realize that PEO has to allocate resources and will have to retrieve the costs of CofA related expenses for maintaining a database; therefore, some additional fee could be justified. For example, if I decided to provide engineering service to the public (which may be as small as designing a retaining wall or designing a beam) and was required to pay a PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE (P.Eng. + CofA) of $330 (a factor of 150%), it may be acceptable. However, if I get a 250% increase in my annual fee, I strongly believe something has to be changed. The PEO fee should not be another form of tax requiring the members to pay more for providing additional professional service.
Referring to the Certificate of Authorization Review Task Group Final Report (February 11, 2002), there are two points from the Task Group’s conclusion that I would like to draw your attention to:
1) PEO should establish an equitable fee structure for the Certificate of Authorization based on number of professional engineers in the firm, area of practice, volume of work and other factors. The total fees should be calculated on a cost recovery basis for the C of A program.
2) The Task Group agreed that the Certificate of Authorization does not affect professional accountability as that resides with individual P. Eng. licencees.
My emphasis is however on the first point. Although, I don’t know as to what the cost recovery for the C of A program is, I very much doubt it is $330 per practitioner. My suggestion would be that any INDIVIDUAL who is paying the C of A fee should b e exempt from paying the P.Eng. fee since having the P.Eng. qualification is a pre-requisite to a C of A and the C of A fee is already higher than the P.Eng. fee.
My Question: if you are elected/re-elected to the executive of PEO, how would you respond to this concern? I and many other individuals having or trying to obtain CofA will definitely appreciate knowing your position on this matter.
Best Regards, SMH
When we look at the combination of Membership, Role and Operations of PEO there is a part of each of these in your question.
Yes – it is important to treat all members fairly. The new guidelines in BEOB that I will publish on Feb 15th will address the inclusive and fairness issue for all Members.
Yes – PEO should be talking with the Government with one voice – rather than several organizations and individuals who claim to be speaking for everyone – and are not. No wonder the Government is not respecting engineers by including them in the beginnings of new legislation! Also – my new guidelines BEOB will put forward steps so that the Role of our organization is clear to all and valued.
Yes – PEO Operations – especially the finances should be clear, transparent and effective. BEOB will put forward some targets for licence fees.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
One question I have for you, if elected what actions will you take to address PEO current conflict with OSPE? Basically, if you could elaborate on the wonderful questions you ask in the second video, Clarify the Role of PEO, posted on your web site.
Thanks, VV
As I have continuously indicated – the OSPE experiment did not work. Our members voted to terminate the agreement.
Very few P. Eng.s joined OSPE and thus they do not speak for professional engineers in Ontario;
OSPE has no grass roots with most members;
OSPE is in conflict with PEO over many territorial issues (NOTE that all of the other candidates have been involved with the governance of these two organizations over the past decade – and still want another term!);
OSPE contradicts PEO in Government relations and both organizations stumble over each other vying for Government attention running up marketing and legal fees.
BEOB will announce some new directions and OSPE will not exist as a separate entity – the conflict will end.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Today I received the traditional annual envelope from PEO with voting contents.
Unfortunately not all of you thought of including an e-mail address in the election folder, so it took me extra time to get those from the Internet. I hereby admit that it is highly unusual for me to spent time for going through that effort, but as a 15 year member I feel obliged to write at least one letter to the council.
Reading carefully through the material it appears that all candidates have more or less the same platform: more accountability for PEO council and certainly more fiscal responsibility. (NOTE: BEOB – a sweeping new guideline will be announced on Feb 15th by Bob Loree --- and this is not the same as anyone else's platform)
It is somewhat discouraging to read that the previous councils were made up of dimwits allowed to run amok with our money , but it is encouraging that we have now a slate of candidates who are ready the clean the Augean Stables and well within one year of their tenure.
If that doesn't happen, we, the members will be treated by another group of candidates next year, who will without doubt blame you for the lack of action.
Anyway, this is democracy at its best and we will bear it with a grin. (NOTE: BEOB will address these concerns and make your Council totally accountable)
What is, however, quite discerning is that only one candidate noted the PEO is in danger of becoming irrelevant. (NOTE – watch for BEOB !)
One can ignore that statement but the abysmal voter turn out proves that the man has a point.
If it is of any consolation, other provincial societies are not faring any better. You see, many of us work in more than one province and even outside the country.
Within Canada we go through the motion of getting registered by the professional associations, pay outrageous fees, get a nice certificate (sometimes with a misspelled name) and a stamp.
Along with that, we are duly informed about the ever growing bureaucracy, new buildings, disciplinary action on folks who say that they are engineers but are not, acceptability of technologists who want to stamp something but don't want to the trouble of getting a degree, striking of members for non-payment, the need for raising fees, and even some unsolicited advice on global warming.
When working overseas, we have to go at great length to explain why a P. Eng. in one province cannot stamp a drawing in another. While Europe is trying to get across (country) border recognition of professional status, the associations here are doing the opposite (one doesn't dare to use their P. Eng. designation in another Province!)
Is there NOBODY who recognizes that this model goes against an engineer's grain of seeking efficiency? That we are not served by all these resume filling associations but rather have one agency to deal with? Why is it not possible to have one single Canadian Professional Engineering Association and leave to the Provinces providing the "right to practice" stamp (similar as Alberta) after satisfying that the person is aware of the code differences?
The response that this is all for public safety is becoming tiresome. In fact, that explanation is plainly ridiculous because it implies that the professional standard of one province would be less than another, or that an engineer's conduct cannot be trusted once he crosses the border.
Presently, I hold 4 professional memberships, but I am about to change that. So, now why should I continue support an organization that is becoming irrelevant? (NOTE: BEOB will address these concerns – by taking a responsible leadership role in Canada)
Sincerely yours, TvB
Thank you for your message, comments and questions.
As with all other questions I receive – I will post them and my responses on my web site(s) as soon as possible. I plan to have a response for yours sometime this week. Many others, I am sure, have the same concerns as you – so when I post your questions and my responses they will be there for everyone. There are about 60 questions and responses there now – many with a video.
Regarding the email address and contact information – all of my web sites have clicking links to send a message directly to me so a separate email listing is redundant – and also the web site(s) provide opportunities to learn more about me and my ideas, and hopefully, find the information you are seeking.
Also – my guide to a better organization will be posted on Feb 15 --- watch for BEOB.
If you are an engineer who really want to make PEO better please click on my survey found at
Why are you running at this time?
PEO is in a rut and a fresh start is needed.
Members are not happy with where PEO is or where it has been. I present the only leadership opportunity for change and a better future for PEO.
Also See #2. Why should I vote for Bob Loree?
Bob will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Bob is not a recycled candidate and/or part of questionable PEO experiences such as a decade of conflict with OSPE and the headquarters building money pit.
Bob's work and experience has always been based on helping others reach personal goals in Science and Technology – particularly Engineering. He will continue to work for the profession full-time.
Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Roles and Operations.
Vote for Bob and get PEO out of the rut!
What do you see as the three biggest issues facing our profession at this time?
See #1. What are the issues?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
C – Improve Operations of PEO
1. Relevance – evaluate and focus
2. Efficiency – responsible and accountable
3. Transparency – in everything we do
4. Communications – friendly, informative, responsive,
current, concise, effective
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What do you plan to do about each one?
See #13. Can you provide more details regarding "Membership; Role and Operations"?
Certainly – Many details are already on my web site accessed through
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
If for some unfortunate, unforeseen circumstance you had to withdraw from running, which of the other candidates for your position would you vote for...?
All of them have baggage from previous years and PEO needs change – so Let's Make PEO Better!
...and why?
Members are not happy with where PEO is, or where it has been. I present the only leadership opportunity for change and a better future for PEO.
In the past year, what volunteer work have you done for PEO?
See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
How much time did this take?
See #5. What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
Also See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
Do you work full time, and if so, where?
See #5. What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
How much time do you predict you will have to devote to PEO activities in the upcoming year(s)?
See #5. What time commitment can you make?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
What experience do you have in the past, with consensus-building in a volunteer-run organization?
See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
What is the largest budget that you have managed to date?
See #3. What personal experiences will make you effective?
Throughout my career I have been a successful innovator and change agent making effective improvements in a variety of environments. This includes education at elementary, secondary, university levels, chapter activities, and many groups and organizations.
I am very active with PEO activities and have been recognized with the PEO Citizenship Award. I work full-time PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. (
My CV and experiences are outlined on my web sites.
I am a retired McMaster University faculty member where I was the Director of Engineering 1 – being responsible for recruitment as well as first year operations.
I am a leader, an innovator and a team builder.
What changes if any, do you feel need to be made to PEO's finances?
See #1. C – 2. Responsible and accountable – in all areas.
and C - 3. Transparency – in everything we do
What are the issues?
A – Improve Membership of PEO
1. Meaningful for members
2. Straightforward to join
B – Clarify the Role of PEO
1. Purposes – Why we exist
2. Principles – What we stand for
3. Goals – Where we are going
4. Relationships – How we work with ourselves & others
C – Improve Operations of PEO
1. Relevance – evaluate and focus
2. Efficiency – responsible and accountable
3. Transparency – in everything we do
4. Communications – friendly, informative, responsive,
current, concise, effective
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What changes would you like to see made, if any, to our current fee structure?
See #12. What is BEOB?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What changes, if any, should be made to the current renovation/new building plans?
See #12. What is BEOB?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
(This question may be a bit sensitive given current circumstances, but please don't take offence: people legitimately want to know your position.) Every so often, sub-groups of Engineers feel strongly enough about certain topics that they either initiate legal action, or threaten to do so. For what differences of opinion (eg which topics) do you feel that legal action against PEO is acceptable/a good idea/necessary?
Currently PEO is like a bully in the playground and is not a good listener or problem solver. A clear vision, a common sense of purpose and commitment to excellence will prevent, avoid or reduce the compulsion of marginalized or mistreated individuals/groups to seek a legal action.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What would you do while in office, to address the concerns of the Ottawa Chapter?
See #6. What improvements will you make for the Chapters?
Chapters are an important component of the association but they have been undervalued and discouraged for a host of reasons. Our members are important and I will breathe life and excitement into chapter activities.
Purposeful engagement is the operative phrase. Latitude, opportunities and encouragement.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What should have been asked, but wasn't in this list?
Do you have an overall guideline for the future of PEO?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
How would you have answered the question that should have been asked?
Do you have an overall guideline for the future of PEO?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What do you see as the most important issue facing PEO today? What would you do to address this issue?
There are three interdependent issues facing PEO. They are Membership, Role and Operations. Re-establishing who we are and where we are going will reduce internal conflict, attract and engage members, improve public image as well as our efficiency as an organization. Council needs leadership in team building and common purpose. We need some out-of-the-box, innovative thinking to re-brand our association.
More details supporting this vision are on my web site.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Council is conducting a binding referendum of members regarding who elects PEO’s president: PEO licence holders by directly voting for a president-elect, or members of PEO Council from among elected councillors. Please explain your preference.
Members should elect their president. This allows every member to be engaged and responsible for his/her association. It also encourages the president to be accountable to all members across the province.
Our system needs responsible, effective and innovative change.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Now that PEO licence holders have voted to terminate the Agreement between the association and the Ontario Society of Professional Engineers, how do you see the relationship between these organizations going forward?
It is obvious that the OSPE experiment has not worked. It is painfully clear that members do not want to be a part of OSPE. Looking at all of the activities our members do it is also obvious they want to volunteer in their communities, help others and make a difference as a professional. The relationship between PEO and OSPE has been confrontational, negative to the profession and our members are fed up. The relationship is over.
It is time to rebrand PEO and allow our members to be encouraged in professional activities, participate freely and feel good about a single association they all belong to.
We need to regroup, to act and speak with one voice.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What do you see as the biggest threat to PEO as a self-governing body?
Apathy. Engineers are smart people and they are also trusting people. Current members feel powerless to make a difference and the majority do not vote. They trust that the organization is in good hands. Council has been fighting internally and this has spilled over to other organizations and even government relations. Our members and potential members should feel proud of their organization and their part in it.
A recycling of council members in key positions encourages members to accept their fate. Please vote for change. Help make PEO better!
I will address apathy with my three point attack on the issues of Membership of PEO, the Role of PEO and the Operations of PEO. Let's get out of the rut!
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Trust and ethics in Council activities has caused division and malfunction in working of Council. How will you improve this situation?
I believe that the root cause should be addressed. Council has been a collection of more than 25 individuals who are elected intermittently, by all members, by regional members, and a large number who are appointed at intervals. It is like a revolving door policy that ensures malfunction – working, trusting relationships are just not possible – so it tends to be everyone for him/herself. There are even some council members who recycle themselves at periodic times.
Members are confused – who really represents them? What happened to the person elected last year? Councillors rarely – if ever – communicate with the members during their terms. The process is extremely weak, dictates failure in relationships and evades responsibility.
A change in the election and composition of council is required.
Accountability and responsibility go together.
There are three interdependent issues facing PEO. They are Membership, Role and Operations. Re-establishing who we are and where we are going will reduce internal conflict, attract and engage members, improve public image as well as our efficiency as an organization. Council needs leadership in team building and common purpose. We need some out-of-the-box, innovative thinking to re-brand our association.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Do you see any important function or activity that PEO is not currently doing that it should undertake?
Yes – PEO should be doing a self-evaluation that will make it more effective and efficient that leads to a renewal of three essential areas – the Membership of PEO, the Role of PEO and an overhaul of its Operations.
There are few checks and balances that are known to members. There is lack of transparency and a great reluctance to change.
There is no movement without a Task Force, a committee, and endless meetings. A basic rebranding of the organization would provide common ground to build a future.
Yes – PEO needs to take a good look at itself.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Gender equality is a very important issue for today's business environment and evidence shows that many women engineers are either underemployed or unemployed. In the case of engineers over the age of 40+ the situation of unemployment gets worse as recognized by many authorities. How do you plan to address this issue for "current" women engineers? Thank you.
I have initiated a number of recognized activities to improve the lot of female engineers. Joining PEO is not attractive to many women – and furthermore choosing engineering as a career is even less attractive. Many smart, capable women can choose whatever career they wish... if presented with the option of being a doctor, lawyer, science professional – or an engineer.... Why would a female choose engineering? What in your workplace, your environment, your job opportunities encourage women to join?
We should stop driving women into engineering – but rather – provide equal opportunities for success, for advancement, for an encouraging, supportive workplace, environment and benefits. It is not a short process. If the career prospects are better than other choice careers – more women will choose engineering for the right reasons – it will be good for them and their lives.
A reassessment of three areas will provide a base for future gender equality.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
With the recent PEO/OSPE debate, I have observed that PEO seems to have taken on a number of initiatives that do not fall strictly within PEO's role of regulation. How do you plan to bring renewed focus to PEO's regulatory function? How is regulatory effectiveness measured by PEO?
The experiment and debate are over. Most engineers chose to not join OSPE for 10 years. Most engineers voted to terminate a relationship with OSPE.
Bill 15 is a small group's attempt to gain power and influence through a private member's bill.
We need to stop this take-over bill and get on with all aspects of engineering in Ontario. We need to re-establish our principles and purpose and assume responsibility for all components of engineering in Ontario – including the regulatory function.
A detailed reassessment of three main areas will be an excellent start to this process: Membership, Role and Operations
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is the role and contribution of PEO chapters toward the achievement of PEO’s mandate?
Chapters are an important component of the association but they have been undervalued and discouraged for a host of reasons. Our members are important and I will breathe life and excitement into chapter activities.
Purposeful engagement is the operative phrase. Latitude, opportunities and encouragement.
There is much to be accomplished through our members.
A detailed reassessment of three main areas will be an excellent start to this process: Membership, Role and Operations
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
How will repealing the industrial exception impact the profession? How should PEO oversee this change?
This is an opportunity for PEO to work cooperatively with the government, industry and its members. Transition and change are always difficult for many and require assistance, support and time to effectively implement new concepts and methods. A collaborative effort is required – it's a chance to work together.
In the recent "Have your say" General Meeting amongst Professional Engineers, it was reported that many engineering students graduate with skills that aren't portable to today's business environments. What's your direction in bridging the gap between engineering curriculum and the skills required by today's competitive businesses? Thank you.
Most universities are at the academic end of the education scale. That's reality. Engineering faculties are probably less 'academic' and more 'practical' than some other faculties. However – engineering is still largely academic. Engineering curriculum is one of the heaviest at any university --- an assessment of the total package is required – simply adding more is not the answer.
Medicine and teaching incorporate more and more practical, portable skills into their programs.
We need to identify the skills required. We should greatly increase our relationships with engineering schools including our presence on campus – with students as well as faculty.
Some components could go, some could be added, but many could be modified to incorporate the skills into existing programs.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
In your opinion, which tasks should be responsibility of PEO and which tasks should be responsibility of OSPE? Do you see an area of overlap area? If yes, what is that area?
OSPE should not exist on its own.
All of the functions and roles it has assumed, or tried to assume, should be part of a rebranded PEO organization.
OSPE has very few Professional Engineer members (compared to PEO) and cannot possibly be the voice of engineers in Ontario.
We must end the copying, the competition, and the confrontation. . . and work for established purposes . . . in one organization.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What concerns, if any, do you have that the regulation of the profession and the protection of the public may be affected by the proposed Ontario Society of Professional Engineers Act?
The experiment and debate are over. Most engineers chose to not join OSPE for 10 years. Most engineers voted to terminate a relationship with OSPE.
Bill 15 is a small group's attempt to gain power and influence through a private member's bill.
We need to stop this take-over bill and get on with all aspects of engineering in Ontario. We need to re-establish our principles and purpose and assume responsibility for all components of engineering in Ontario – including the regulatory function.
A detailed reassessment of three main areas will be an excellent start to this process: Membership, Role and Operations
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
What is your vision for PEO over the next five years?
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
The three main concerns will be addressed – Membership of PEO; the Role of PEO and the Operations of PEO.
How effective are PEO’s complaints and discipline processes in protecting the public interest?
Judging from what the public sees through Dimensions – it is tedious, over-reported, extremely time consuming and not effective in a broader picture. This will change.
In your opinion, should PEO track the amount of unemployed Professional Engineers and assess the reasons for unemployment toward bridging the gap between the demand for engineers versus those who are looking for work?
Some groups are not listening. When PEO reassesses itself it will be a far better position to make comments, suggestions, give advice and be taken seriously. With so much internal and external discord who is valuing our opinion and input anyway? This will change with a review of our Role and Operations.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
In your opinion will PEO take additional steps in regulating Telecommuting based engineering positions within businesses? If so, what direction is being taken? Thank you.
Working from global locations around the clock is a reality. If the Role of PEO is clearly defined – as I will do – there will be no issues.
Now a days it is very hard to end up with the right position from a specific engineering discipline. We should have a correct mechanism that will lead the engineering graduates to pursue their right career.
There are many factors – and it is very exciting to think about. Imagine all of the engineers who used a slide rule early in their careers and if they still use them. Change, innovation, advancement, new ideas, new directions are all components of engineering. Learn basics of communications, mathematics, science, applications and problem solving – then mix that with dreams, motivation and hard work. There is no 'correct' mechanism – and never should be.
In your opinion will PEO be adopting the ISO26000 standard. Thank you.
In many ways we are ahead of the norm. An evaluation of our Role and Operations will ensure we are compliant and even leaders in Social Responsibility.
Quoting and paraphrasing Wikipedia – "In ISO 26000, social responsibility is described as a multi-faceted approach that, like quality, should be integrated into all aspects of how a company conducts its business:
According to ISO 26000, social responsibility is not merely a “neutralizing” action applied at the end of production/distribution to fix what has been generated or displaced. Rather, it is a proactive mind-set that should be incorporated across all levels of planning, execution, and stakeholder interaction. . . . The standards make it clear, however, that “a situation’s complexity should not be used as an excuse for inaction,” and that companies should proceed in good faith, applying the seven principles of socially responsible behaviour as outlined in the standard: accountability, transparency, ethical behaviour, respect for stakeholder interests, respect for the rule of law, respect for international norms of behaviour, and respect for human rights.
An organization is answerable to those affected by its decisions and activities, as well as to society in general, for the overall impact on society and its decisions and activities.
An organization should disclose, in a clear, accurate manner and to a reasonable and sufficient degree, the policies, decisions, and activities for which it is responsible, including known and likely impacts.
Ethical behaviour
An organization’s behaviour should be based on the ethics of honesty, equity, and integrity.
Respect for Stakeholder Interests
In addition to owners, members, and customers or constituents, other individuals or groups may also have rights, claims, or specific interests that should be taken into account.
Respect for the Rule of Law
An organization is to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. It informs those within the organization of their obligation to observe and to implement measures.
Respect for International Norms of Behaviour
An organization respects international norms of behaviour while adhering to the principle of respect for the rule of law. An organization should not stay silent in response to or benefit from wrongful acts.
Respect for Human Rights
An organization respects and fosters rights set out in the International Bill of Human Rights. This includes situations where human rights are not protected."
What, if any, value do you see in PEO efforts to increase the rate of licensure of engineering graduates (Canadian or internationally trained)?
There is value in recognizing all engineers, as well as those who jump through our current hoops. It is time to take a different approach – one that is inclusive rather than exclusive. Membership is a top priority for me.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Recently in the OSPE referendum, we had executive members of PEO vocally going against the wishes of PEO council and the decisions that council made. I would like to know how the various candidates stand with respect to having officers of the organization publically going against the decisions of council, when these officers are the ones who are to be implementing the decisions.
There are many reasons for this behaviour.
Too much haste in making a decision, or not enough information available.
Lack of direct relationship between responsibility and accountability.
Councillors have occupations and do not have time to listen to others.
Egos are too big for the space.
Lack of respect for consensus or even majority votes.
If a decision made is not what a councillor personally wanted there are options including:
- have a recorded vote, move on, wait until next election, voice strong opposition, find a compromise.
The behaviour of taking the issue to the public or government is unacceptable and diminishes the profession.
Execution of a mechanical engineering project does not require permit issue by government office as in building and construction industry - drawings signed and stamped by licensed P. Eng. It is a loose end in the field of mechanical engineering where projects are executed by companies without Certificate of Authorization and without P.Eng supervision due to lack of knowledge of Professional Engineers act and PEO's regulatory functions.
As a result many licensed professional engineers are unemployed and their license undervalued.
What action would be the most appropriate to address this issue and create an informative and educational campaign to the public and industry for rules and regulations in engineering practice?
It is time to review the Role of PEO and the Act.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Should EITs be allowed to vote in Council elections and referendums?
It is time to review the Membership of PEO, the Role of PEO and the Operations of PEO.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
How will you manage the simultaneous time demands of your day-job and your role on Council?
I assist PPE candidates prepare for their Ethics and Law exam. I will continue to work for the profession full-time.
I won't be tied up with commitments, jobs, businesses, organizations and activities that are not directly related to PEO responsibilities.
You will have my complete attention.
What special skills or ideas do you bring to enhance the governance of PEO?
See #2, #3, #4
As a consequence of the PEO referendum of November 1-December 2, 2011 to terminate the 2000 PEO OSPE agreement, both organizations enter a new period of serving the engineering profession. OSPE's membership overwhelming recommends that OSPE and PEO work cooperatively on behalf of the profession and for OSPE to continue its role as primary advocate and service provider. What suggestions do you have to help OSPE and PEO work cooperatively on behalf of the profession and to clarify each of our roles?
It is obvious that the OSPE experiment has not worked. It is painfully clear that members do not want to be a part of OSPE. Looking at all of the activities our members do it is also obvious they want to volunteer in their communities, help others and make a difference as a professional. The relationship between PEO and OSPE has been confrontational, negative to the profession and our members are fed up. The relationship is over.
It is time to rebrand PEO and allow our members to be encouraged in professional activities, participate freely and feel good about a single association they all belong to.
We need to regroup, to act and speak with one voice.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Parts of Bill 68, the Open for Business Act, 2010, which stands to change the Professional Engineers Act to effectively eliminate the industrial exception, have still not been proclaimed. What would you see PEO doing to have Bill 68 proclaimed quickly?
This is an opportunity for PEO to work cooperatively with the government, industry and its members. Transition and change are always difficult for many and require assistance, support and time to effectively implement new concepts and methods. A collaborative effort is required – it's a chance to work together.
Changes to the Professional Engineers Act via Bill 68 will also increase Council’s authority over fee increases, by-law changes and other governance matters, eliminating member ratification of such changes at an AGM. How would you present such changes to PEO licensees in order to mitigate potential objections? What steps could PEO take to build cohesiveness among licensees and confidence in PEO as the regulator of the engineering profession?
One of my main concerns is the Role of PEO. Our Members, as well as society, will benefit and respond more positively to our Association when there is clarity of and commitment to its fundamental Role.
If our Role is clear to our members, to the public including the government – we will be respected, we will be included and we will be valued . . . . without depending on crisis intervention and without scheming to liaise and lobby for particular interests.
The association needs to revisit and re-establish its Purposes, Principles, Goals and Relationships . . .
Our purposes and principal objectives should be simplified and clarified ... Why do we exist? People should know this.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Currently, the Lieutenant Governor (LG) may appoint up to twelve PEO Council Members, as stipulated in the Professional Engineers Act. This situation results in potential for undue influence by the LG appointees (if they vote in a block) and runs counter to the tenet of a self-regulated profession and the democratic principles on which the elected council members are chosen by the membership at large. OSPE suggests the process be reviewed so that only representatives from the public be appointed and to lower the maximum number of LG appointees on the Council. Please provide your perspective on public appointments to PEO council and whether you agree with OSPE’s proposed changes.
BEOB will be announced and available in February – on or about the 15th. You will find it through this web site –
BEOB is a guide for change and future directions of our association. It is like a recipe for creating an effective organization using basic ingredients and principles. As with all recipes it can be modified and enhanced by the users – but the fundamental concepts remain constant.
Please provide any additional comments you have regarding your vision for the future of PEO and the changes you hope to effect as an elected member of PEO Council.
Please don't throw out your ballot package!
Vote for Change! Make PEO Better!
Let's do the math –
Start with . . an organization devoted to standards, ideals, professionalism and duty to the public,
- take away .. the OPSE fighting
- add .. . . common sense and return to a single organization
- take away . the devotion to egos, large buildings, government posturing and politics
- take away . unreasonable barriers for members and future members
- add . . realistic expectations and processing,
- take away . unobtainable exclusivity and demands
- add . . . . inclusivity for members
- add . . .. interest in and value for current and new members
- add . . . clarification of Roles for the organization
- add . . . a meaningful strategic plan, financial responsibility and duty to public concerns
- add . . evaluation and streamlining of operations.
To sum it up . . . improve Membership, Roles, and Operations
Your choice is clear – continue with people who have been part of creating and prolonging confrontational atmospheres and situations – or – choose change . . .with Bob Loree who will address the fundamental purposes and operations of our association.
Let's make PEO better! Vote for Bob.